Yard Saler

Maps app for finding/hosting yard sales


5 weeks
Winter 2023


Product Design
UX Research


Product Designer


Solo project


5 weeks
Winter 2023


Product Design
UX Research


Product Designer


Solo project

Yard Saler

Maps app for finding/hosting yard sales


5 weeks
Winter 2023


Product Design
UX Research


Product Designer


Solo project


5 weeks
Winter 2023


Product Design
UX Research


Product Designer


Solo project

Yard Saler

Maps app for finding/hosting yard sales

Yard Saler

Maps app for finding/hosting yard sales
5 weeks
Winter 2023
Product Design
Visual Design
Product Designer
Solo project


Design a product that would be of service to users on a community-wide basis and could be implemented on a scalable level rather than specifically to one location.

Solution: yard sale locator app

Yard sales are difficult to advertise and even more difficult to discover. In this app, people post when/where their Yard sale is happening & (roughly) what they’re selling. Users can see garage sales happening nearby or coming up & will get notified when they happen to be near one.
Final prototype showcasing 3 user flows.


I started with preliminary research on what a yard sale is & why people love them.
Yard sales are local, family-friendly events where shoppers get cool items for cheap & the seller gets rid of something for some cash. It can be quite spontaneous & easy-going.

Problems I discovered with Yard Sales

I decided an app would be the best medium to solve these issues due to an app's widespread accessibility and its ability to communicate new information instantly, which would be needed for people to share yard sales in real time.

Competitive Analysis

There are already yard sale finding/posting services that exist, but they are not optimized products.
  • No way to contact event host.
  • No way to only look within a certain range.
Yard Sale Treasure Map
  • No visible indication if an event is happening now or not.
  • Overcomplicated side nav.
Facebook Marketplace
  • The service is meant for individual item sales, meaning many posts will not be considered a garage sale even when looking for one.
  • Doesn’t clarify what forms of payment are available at the garage sales.

User Personas

The three user personas are created based on three different problems that this product must solve. The three final user flows circle back to these three personas.

Solutions I discovered

Through my word map, competitive analysis, detailed use cases of 3 user personas and my problem-solving skills, I came up with the ideas to create a maps UI with local yard sales and their details where sellers can post photos and list items that they're selling, as well as the ability to notify users when they're in range of a yard sale and also have the ability to filter search for surprising items that you might stumble upon when yard saling.


User Flows

User Flows

I created a flow addressing how the app would go about solving the problem that each user persona faced, keeping in mind their other factors as well.


Airbnb maps UI
  • Airbnb’s Map UI page that includes a list view, categories with icons on the top menu, and the drag up for a new page.
Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky"
  • Generates random, spontaneous fun.
  • Inspires me to make a ‘surprise’ category to allow users to easily discover whacky items for sale nearby.
Pocket Plants earthy style
  • Ability to incorporate a brown/green color scheme that relates to the adventurous, easy-going, good weather style that I envisioned.



After creating user flows and sketching my 3 user flows, I created prototypes that let user find Yard Sales and also message a Saler.

Kelly's flow- find a Yard Sale

Fred's flow- message a Saler

Final Design

Style Guide

Creating this style board helped me extremely. The white background allowed me to use many expressive colors to categorize tags & highlight groups of items.

Finding a Yard Sale

No more need to keep your eyes peeled looking for Yard Sale signs on the side of the road. Be on your way to the craziest Yard Sale in just 3 taps! Users can use our filters to find even better/goofier results.
Kelly: find a yard sale
Kelly: find a yard sale

Searching + Messaging a Yard Saler

Now finding Yard Sales with a specific category of items is a breeze. Looking for a furniture sale? Tap the furniture icon! Lookin for a booster seat? Search it and Yard Saler will filter for closeby Yard Sales that include that item tag. Also, you can message the Saler to ensure that they've got what you're looking for.

Creating a Yard Sale

Hosting and advertising a Yard Sale with Yard Saler gives Salers a huge pool of local customers through a simple process that takes less than two minutes!
Kelly: find a yard sale

Click to try out the prototype!

Note: Google web browser experiences difficulties running Figma prototypes (Jan. 2024). To open this prototype, either use an incognito page or a different browser



Design a product that would be of service to users on a community-wide basis and could be implemented on a scalable level rather than specifically to one location.

Design a product that would be of service to users on a community-wide basis and could be implemented on a scalable level rather than specifically to one location.

Outcome: Yard Saler

My idea supports the spontaneous, easy- going, surprising & satisfying culture of yard sales within all of our communities.

It does that by enhancing the thrill of clearing out your trash & finding your own form of treasure in the form of an app for people looking to host or visit a yard sale.

Project takeaways

I thoroughly enjoyed defining the problems to solve with this product and through the user journeys created by the personas. Including personas into their realized user flows is a fun and strategic manner that really emphasized the importance of user-centered design for me.

I have so many plans for the next steps and a lot of great ideas to bring further value to this project that I write about in my project deck. It's been great creating a SAAS product that does more than just serve needs, but connects on an emotional level to support the spontaneous, easy- going, surprising & satisfying culture of yard sales within all of our communities.

© 2025 Created by John Curley.

© 2025 Created by John Curley.

© 2025 Created by John Curley.